
Please see frequently asked queries and our answers for them.
If you have queries, please let us know via contact  Contact form.

Index for frequently asked queries and answers

For the first time guest

  • What is AGEM like?
    AGEM is a private personal gym for members only. We are located in the centre of Roppongi area with variety of the latest training facilities.
    Our professional trainers provide the best quality of personal training at the very high-end work out facility.
  • What is personal training?
    Any difference from doing a work out by myself?
    Training by your self has a limitation as it is not so clear to do what menu / how much / how often. It is also challenging to sustain motivation for a long time therefore many people give up training without achieving target.
    At AGEM, a professional trainer supports you on one-to-one for every session based upon each member's needs.
    We conduct counselings frequently to understand member's needs, to suggest work out plan, and to provide feedbacks toward goal.
    Since we fully support member throughout the course, every member is able to sustain motivation and achive their goals.
    We also provide advise on dietary and tips for daily activity, which also helps member efficiently attain target.
  • I am considering another personal training gym. What makes AGEM different from other personal gyms?
    We believe that the following 3 things makes AGEM is a unique and real value added personal gym for members.
    1. We are commited to provide work out plan which is helpful not only for short term but also life time term.
    2. Our facilities are most latest model with great variety hence members are able to enjoy a lot of work out menu, which makes training sustainable.
    3. Our professional trainers fully support every member's life time experience through body make.
    How can we deliver the above 3 things?
    Many gyms are saying their good at work out menu but most of them are actually focus mainly on dietary restrictions. Some of these gyms have only a few training machines. We think it is a big part of reason that those diet / body make is short term and many of users get rebound easily.
    AGEM approachs in a different way as we believe diet / body make have to be a sustainable to enrich every member's life.
    We have 4 separate training rooms with fully equiped with the latest flagship model, which enables to perform variety of work out menu. Members are able to enjoy a lot of training menu without getting bored by repeated work out menu.
    AGEM has also laxurious private shower rooms which are like top rank butique hotel. Members are able to spend laxurious experience and leave the gym with a refleshed heart and body.
    At last and the most importantly, our professional trainers are learning every day to be always the front runner in the industry. The trainers propse a tailor made body make plan for each member based on the member's target.
    We believe the above are "easy to say challenging to do" but AGEM really delivers.
  • Do you do strict dietary restrictions for diet and fat burning?
    AGEM does not instruct extreme dietary restrictions unless it is requested by a member.
    However, it is said by one of recent studies that it is not effective to do extreme dietary restrictions for health conditions and training performance.
    We also believe that it is not sustainable thus it needs to be short term period and thereafter do reasonable dietary and better work out habbit to avoid rebound.
    We, in that sense, provide advise on how to eat and key understanding for dietary menu based on each member's needs.
  • I have not done work out for several years / I don't have much exercise experience; is it still fine to do personal training?
    At AGEM, a professional trainer fully instructs a member on one to one basis therefore there is no problem for a non-experienced member.
    In fact, many of members at AGEM come to the gym in order to have a regular work out habbit rather than to have hard training.
    We plan a work out menu with appropriate level so that a member is able to enjoy physical outcome of work out as well as mental refreshment.
    It is our pleasure that AGEM always stand by a member for all process to have work out habbit.
  • Any concerns / considerations on gender and age?
    Any one is welcome to AGEM as we instruct a member based on her / his phisical status.
    Our existing members vary from 20's to 70's at their age. All of members are enjoying work out at the gym.
  • I have phisical pains / issues / chronic disease; is it still fine to do personal training?
    We do counseling at first to understand member's physical conditions and then propose the best suited training plan for each member.
    If you still have concern, please do not hesitate to let us know any small things.
    If you are under care at a hospital at the moment, it is advisable that a member sees a doctor and double check with the doctor about training.
  • I have a fixed schedule. Is it possible to go to AGEM at early morning / night?
    We are open from 7 a.m. till 10 p.m. without fixed holiday (we have Obon and new year's holiday). Members are able to enjoy work out based on their life style.
  • What can I expect by training at AGEM?
    We are fully committed to support members achieve their needs including diet, body make, improvement in performance and healthy life.

About trial session

  • How can I reserve a trial session?
    Please reserve a trial session via the following trial reservation page.Reserve a trial session
    You can also contact us via call at 03-6455-5554.
    However, please kindly be noted that our English speaking staff might be not available at a call.
    If so, we would ask your contact number and English speaking staff would call you back.
  • What should I bring at the trial session day?
    We offer free training wear, shoes, towls as well as free amenities and a bottle of drinking warter.
    Private locker room with a shawoer is also included for a free trial.
    Therefore, you are welcom to AGEM with a normal casual wear.
    It is advisable that you bring underwear and socks to change after the session as most of visiotrs get sweat by the session.
  • How long does usually take for a trial session?
    We expect it takes about 90mins.
    It includes counseling, trial training, explanations on how to enrol; however, we are able to adjust to your schudle. Please do not hesitate us to let us know your availablility on that day.fter the session as most of visiotrs get sweat by the session.
    How much does it cost for a trial session?
    It is JPY4,000 inclusive c-tax.
    Please pay us at the end of the session.
  • Can I enrol on the day of a trial?
    It is possible to enrol on the day of a trial. There are some steps for enrolment so please let us know at the session.
  • What would you do at the counseling?
    Our proffessional trainers would ask questions about your requirement and daily activity habbit etc to understand your needs fully.
    We also check your body status by the latest model of body composition measurement machine.
    If you have any specific questions, please do not hesitate to ask our trainers at any time.
  • What would I do at a trial training?
    Our purpose to do a trial training is that a visitor is able to image what kind of work out menu she / he would do once joining to AGEM. We plan a training menu based on your needs which we will understand more through counseling.

About trial session

  • What should I bring at the training?
    We offer free training wear, towls as well as free amenities and a bottle of drinking warter.
    A member are able to come to AGEM with a normal casual wear.
    It is advisable that you bring underwear and socks to change after the session as most of visiotrs get sweat by the session.
  • How long for a training session?
    It 50mins per a training session.
    We are able to adjust to member's schedule so please do not hesitate to let us know your request.
  • What kind of training would you do?
    AGEM proposes a variety of traiing menu such as weight training, aerobic exercise, HIIT, boxersising etc in order to achive each member's target.
    We also offer massage or stretching menu depending on a member's condition on the training day.
  • What frequency is recommended?
    We advise 2-3 times a week at AGEM as it is most suited to continue effective training with appropriate rest for members.
    We also consider frequency by taking into member's condition, health status, seasonal requirement.
  • Is it possible to cancel a training?
    A member is able to cancel a training a day before the training by 10p.m.
    If it is passed that time, it will be counted as one training.
  • I am not sure if I can get along with a trainer. Would it be possible to change a trainer after I join AGEM?
    We would like to offer the best service for each member thus we surely welcome such request.
    You are able to let us know any time i.e. counseling, contact form below, talk to another trainer.

About enrolment

  • How long does it take to enrol?
    Once you finish to sign on application and payment, the enrolment procedure is completed.
  • How can I make payment?
    You are able to choose either bank transfer, credit card, installment payment.
    Please contact our trainers for details.


Please reserve a trial session at AGEM. 
Please contact us via the below page for those who would like to visit our facilities or to ask any questions.

Reserve a trial session
a trial session
Via website